Just been on what turned out to be an unsuccessful photo shoot. The weather was not very pleasing. But hey, I still managed to salvage something worth keeping from the rubble of a poor photography session.
Conducted some major photoshop surgery on the image below:

As you can see.. not the best photograph in the world, lucky enough for me, my trusty friend Photoshop is always here to help me climb out of the huge hole that I dug myself into with my camera =P
With a bit of blood, sweat and many tears, as i said previously about salvaging something from nothing. This image arose from the ashes of the horrible originated image:

decided to go for the autumn feel with golds as opposed to the original green shades.
Please enjoy if you can, its not a great image, but its practice! And Criticize of corse =P
If I send you my catalouge of piccys (a good 6000 of them) can you make them look like this? *puppy dog eyes*
Cant really fault it mate, the original image was bland and lacked anything, what you done with PS has just made it pretty and I want it on my wall. :D
lol... how on gods earth have you taken 6000 photos!!!
The magic of photoshop aye!!!!
to be hounest... its all about that Camera raw aswel as additional photoshopping!!
Turn the camera on, take a snap, repeat. :p
I took at least 1000 for my Photography ellective and a couple thousand since then. Trial and error really lol.
The only edits with the RAW I do is when I load it to PS. Tho I have started to mess with the colours and values in the camera (not just FStop and Shutter speed) abit more now, tho it's harder to just point and shoot as you gotta workout and plan your shot first. :(
Must get filters. :p
yeah filters would be cool..
a wanna get some more lenses.. especially a wide angle lense.. there wicked
Uni have quite a few lens's and you can borrow just the lens if ya like. I want a nice fisheye myself but their very expensive. :(
oh aye yah!! never thought of loaning some lenses from college! good idea mr david!!
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