Tuesday 22 July 2008

HDR Photography: What A False Sense of Security

Ever Since discovering High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photography, I Soon realized that i have been using these techniques all along in my photographs. By using various exposure levels of the same image, You can create some stunning visuals from the HDR method of editing. From research i conducted, there is softwares specialized in Doing all this for you, also Photoshop has a HDR image processor. I have Tried and tested this process, and to say the least i am not the biggest fan. So what i have learned from this is that i can take the supposed theory of HDR editing and proceed to incorporate it with my self taught manual methods of editing.

To demonstrate this theory of mine, I have produced a few photographs using this idea.
Keep in mind that these are my first attempts and guarantee vast improvements with more practice.

Please Criticize, Give Feedback and Most Importantly.. ENJOY

Also Keep Posted For New Photographs Coming VERY SOON


rockbigdave said...

I've not yet tried HDR photo's but it's definatly something I want to try! Did you follow any form of tutorial for this? Like, merging the images or did you just use Photoshop or some plugin to do it all for you? (except the camera work, ofcourse)

Mark said...

I have always done it manually using separate layers in photoshop.. and not known there was an actual terminology for what i was doing. All i do is take a few different exposures of the same shot, and composite them together, with a general separation from earth and sky, but this can change dependent on what the photograph has in it or what it is of in terms of perspective etc..

there is software that can do it, but am not too up on that lol... would be good to have a go with it!!